I absolutely adore Metroid Other M, in this post I will talk about many of the things I love about the game, and in doing so, I will cover majors spoilers. STORY/CHARACTERS: I really love the story and how it explores more of who Samus is as a person, and expands upon aspects of her introduced in Fusion. Seeing just how much the Baby Metroid affected Samus, the fact it gave its life for her caused her to go into a depression was really interesting and a great way to show how impactful the ending of Super Metroid was. It was great to see the loose ends of Fusion tied up in this game, such as how Ridley got on the B.S.L. Station or how the Federation got DNA of the Baby Metroid (and other Zebes life forms). Also, I liked that they fleshed out more of the "corrupt" Federation introduced in Fusion. Samus Aran: Samus is dealing with an unusually high amount of emotional hardship in Other M, whether it's the loss of the Baby, reuniting with Adam which stirred up sad memories of...
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